SUCCESS STORIES: Turning Tragedy Into Triumph! Purpose: Tough on crime narratives and negative messaging towards those who have been within the criminal justice system have been used to justify decades of injustices. We seek to reshape this narrative by shedding light...
CAREER DEVELOPMENT & EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Purpose: Every month has new career development training and employment hiring events. We’ve created this monthly article to provide a quick and easy way for reentry and justice involved individuals to find current...
“FELON FRIENDLY” HOUSING RENTALS Purpose: Different types of housing rental opportunities continuously become available every month. Whether you’re looking to find a room to rent, a studio, an apartment or specialized unit such as a single room occupancy...
UPCOMING EVENTS IN YOUR LOCAL AREA Purpose: Throughout every metropolitan area there are numerous organizations and community builders organizing events, workshops and activities designed to help people heal, become empowered and rebuild communities. We’ve created...
SUCCESS STORIES: Turning Tragedy Into Triumph! Purpose: Tough on crime narratives and negative messaging towards those who have been within the criminal justice system have been used to justify decades of injustices. We seek to reshape this narrative by shedding light...
CAREER DEVELOPMENT & EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Purpose: Every month has new career development training and employment hiring events. We’ve created this monthly article to provide a quick and easy way for reentry and justice involved individuals to find current...